Take a look at how Inspiren's Augi increases patient safety here:
The challenge nurses and clinicians face:
Between 50% and 75% of nursing home residents fall each year according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even with skilled nurses on staff, patient fall prevention proves to be a persistent issue among post-acute healthcare providers due to ongoing staffing shortages.
Growth after my collaboration with the Inspiren team:
Reduction in Falls: Staff achieved an 80% reduction in resident falls. Customized AI alerts adjusted to each resident’s needs increased the staff’s efficiency in timely interventions to prevent patient falls.
Staff Support: With de-identified mobile Live View staff could institute remote sitter workflows to monitor high-risk residents from the nurse's station without needing additional FTEs.
Risk Management: AUGi Event Review provided full visibility to events and facilitated training to further strengthen patient fall prevention protocols.
“We have to have 25 one-on-one staff to monitor my patients. AUGi is that one-on-one service.”
- Kala Fuhrmann
Executive Director, Palm Garden
Other Growth Outcomes
Shots I Created

Actual Implementation After I Left the Project 😊